Monday, April 13, 2009

15th Tamera Summeruniversity - Global Grace Village - Creating Models for a Future without War, in Tamera, Portugal

15th Tamera Summeruniversity Global Grace Village - Creating Models for a Future without War
Summeruniversity - 29th July - 07th August 2009 in Tamera, Portugal

Survival is no longer a private matter, it has become a global issue. This is an invitation to take part in a think tank and to build a vision for a future without war.

Planet Earth was meant to be Paradise. However, people seem to have forgotten it. Today we live in a time where extensive parts of humanity live in misery and destruction and ever more beings experience comparable fate on an every day basis, so it has become a question of survival to remember the grand original dream of a healthy planet, home to everything that lives.

Do we know our true power? Do we know what a small group of people following a clear vision of the future can change? Those who want to end war need a vision for peace.

After three years of peace research of the Monte Cerro Peace Experiment, Tamera Peace Research Center invites to a summer of vision building.

The vision of a Global Grace Village : How do future societies that are not based on fear, domination, and violence, but instead built on trust look like? Which kind of technological, ecological, architectural, and social structures will societies, resonating with the cosmic order of life, display? How will future societies, where children fully trust their parents again and where lovers never have to leave each other ever again, come into being? Which professions will they have and how will young people learn how to invest their strength for peace?

We call this vision of peace Global Grace Village. We assume that when the first planetary peace model is fully realized in all its depths, it will be a decisive contribution to a future without war.

Next steps of realization: Peace Research Village Middle East. Currently a group of Israelis, Palestinians, and Internationals are preparing the concrete construction of the first peace model. They will present themselves and their project. After the Summer University they will head off to the Middle East and check if the first Peace Research Village can be built there. We will also host representatives from the Peace Village of San José de Apartadó, Colombia, as well as many other guests. Visionaries, scientists, youth activists, love adventurers : With global crises overlapping, it is becoming evident that we are close to facing a paradigm shift; so let´s get together and learn to SEE!

Please note: You can stay longer!

Youth Future Village - Global youth summer with Mara Vollmer - July 18th to August 31st.

How does a Movement for a Free Earth arise? Tamera International Youth Center invites young leaders for a 6-week intensive workshop.
We also invited people from crisis areas like San José de Apartadó, a peace community in Colombia, young representatives of indigenous cultures, and people from Dharamsalla, a Tibetan exile haven in India. The gathering will serve to establish and deepen contact between cultures and religions, to awaken towards a global thinking, loving, and acting. Let's have a new love affair for a future without war.

Following the Tamera Summer University: Vision Quest with Ofer Israeli - August 12th to the 17th. A vision quest is a sacred ritual for the healing of people and Earth. The core of it will be to spend four days and nights alone in the wilderness.

Price (including Food and Accommodation) : 640,- Euro, reduced price for people up to 25, students, people from Portugal and poor countries: 320,- EuroYoung people, please note:We invest for a future. Tamera has created a contingent for 30 young people who can take part in the Summer University for the symbolic price of 100,- Euro. This contingent is meant for active and committed young people up to 20. Please apply for it until the 30th of June. Once the 30 places have been taken, you can still register for the reduced price of 320 Euro. Please only apply if you cannot come for the normal price.

For those who are interested in investing for a future: You are invited to increase the number of 30 people with a donation.

Warm Welcome !

Registration: office(at) or fon: 00351 -283 635306