Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tamera USA Network

Dear friends !
I would like to inform you about :
Tamera USA - Network Trip : Oct 5th - Nov 5th 08 :
In order to create an efficient network in the name of global peace, Vera Kleinhammes, her young son Mante, Monika Berghoff (Publisher, f.e. of "The Sacred Matrix" by Dieter Duhm) and Irma Knittel from Tamera are travelling through the US (mainly through California) from Oct. 5th through Nov. 5th, 2008. The main reasons for this journey are participation at the Bioneers Conference ( http://www.bioneers.org/conference ) and networking. On Oct. 22nd they give a presentation about the ideas of Tamera and the meaning of communities of the future: ( www.favors.org )
VERA KLEINHAMMES and MONIKA BERGHOFF: Creating Models for World Peace - Institute for Global Peacework - Tamera Ecovillage, PortugalPotluck Dinner and Presentation by two principals of one of the most active peace organizations in Europe - www.prv-association.org Location: Lub's Residence - 61 Los Cerros Place, Walnut Creek, CA 945982008 Oct 22nd - Wed at 6:00 PM
http://www.livingdirectory.net/display/eventDetails.php?new=1223365427&event_id=1892&login_group=BION For more information, please contact Monika.Berghoff(at)tamera.org

Best wishes !
Peter Koll
Tamera Team

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nov 9th - Global Grace Day - worldwide

November 9th - Global Grace Day http://www.global-grace-day.com/
Welcome !
Grace is the power that may overcome all violence because it is at home in the hearts of all human beings.
(Sabine Lichtenfels)
The GLOBAL GRACE DAY is a special initiative by a growing movement of individuals all over the world. The movement cannot and should not be identified with a specific group or organization; it is an expanding movement of those who have started to develop the quality of GRACE in their hearts. You will recognize them not by their signs and signals, but by the way they behave, act and talk.
One core figure in this movement is Sabine Lichtenfels, peaceactivist and cofounder of the peace research centre Tamera in Portugal. She is one a the most fascinating spiritual teachers of our times, connecting political actions with female peace knowledge in a unique way. She leads international pilgrimages through crisis areas and is the initiator of the "Global Campus", an education program for young peaceworkers which will eventually have bases on all continents.
GRACE activists around the world on the GLOBAL GRACE DAY read a meditation that Sabine Lichtenfels "receives" each year on a special place in a special way. In 2008, the words will come to her while she is leading a pilgrimage in Colombia with more than 400 participants , together with Padre Javier Giraldo, Benjamin von Mendelssohn and inhabitants of the peacevillage San Jose de Apartado (Colombia).
In 2005 Sabine Lichtenfels held a meditation in Israel/Palestine in front of the separation wall near the small village Baqqa al Garbiye. In 2006 she gathered a group in Berlin, Germany in front of the Holocaust Memorial. In 2007 she was again in Israel/Palestine, where a night vigil took place in Bethlehem. More than 120 international peaceworkers joined this event in Bethlehem and about 70 groups participated with their own actions all around the world. More information about the past events : http://www.grace-in-bethlehem.net/ .
In 2008 Sabine Lichtenfels will do the meditation in Guatemala.
The meditation serves as an energetic and spiritual sign, that we, as humanity, can no longer accept both the inner and outer walls built on a global scale.
More and more groups and individuals worldwide are joining the GLOBAL GRACE DAY with their specific actions. Whatever they do, they agree on the following points :
1. The action is held in the name of GRACE. Whoever wants to take part commits to study thoroughly what is meant by GRACE. ("What is GRACE ?" : http://www.global-grace-day.com/index.php?id=6) We also recommend reading the book "GRACE. Pilgrimage for a Future without War" by Sabine Lichtenfels, where the idea and effectiveness of GRACE is described within the context of peace activities in the Middle East.
2. At some time during the event, the specific meditation text by Sabine Lichtenfels is read out loud and thus serves as the common bond between all participants.
Why November 9th ?
Throughout history, November 9th has seen both the forth of cruelty and the power of liberation. On November 9, 1938, known as the "Reichspogromnacht" (Crystal Night), synagogues were burned and more than 30,000 people were forced into concentration camps. On November 9, 1989, the Berlin wall, acting as a barrier between two ideologies, was finally taken down.
Many peacemovements around the world now use this day as a day of opportunity to create a common peace power that no longer allows cruelty and separation between humans and our planet.
Whoever wants to join the actions of the GLOBAL GRACE DAY initiative is invited to do so and to contact Anna Bandini info(at)global-grace-day.com .
Once more : Please study beforehand what it means to act in the name of GRACE.
related event and peace education :
Grace Pilgrimage - San Jose de Apartado / Colombia Oct 08 :
In service :
Peter Koll
Tamera Team

Grace - Pilgrimage Oct 08 around the peacevillage San Jose de Apartado in Colombia

Diary from the pilgrimage :
September 27th 2008
by Leila Dregger
In the Anandamayi hostel in Bogota, our team has prepared a beautiful camp for the international participants arriving for the pilgrimage. The organization team has been doing a great job preparing all the actions that are planned: the five-day walk through the rain forest to visit the remotevillages of the peace community, the Global Campus with different seminars and practical training, and the media coverage by a film team.
In addition to the participants from the peace research village, Tamera, more participants have arrived, including Sami Awad from Palestine, and Hernan Braveheart, a Lakota shaman from the USA and Peru. Unfortunately the inventor Juergen Kleinwaechter had to cancel his participation because his company needs him at this time.We hear daily from San Jose de Apartado and our team there about the preparation of the place. A large group of Indigenas is planning to participate.
The short time in Bogota is not enough to really get to know this town.
We live in the old city which sometimes look like a village because of its little houses. We see many beautiful people, but also many uniforms and guns, and many poor people as well. Beauty and suffering come very close.A seller of "minutes" - which is one of the many people whose mobile you can use - told us, "Internationals are not in danger in Colombia. The only ones who have to be afraid are the poor people, because our president hates the poor."
Meanwhile we get into contact with a rich and beautiful group of people who want to create a different world.Some of us visited a conference of the ecovillages in Colombia which took place in a University. Among the speakers were Dorothy McLean, cofounder of Findhorn. Many there know about Tamera and were stunned to see us here. They want us to help to get in contact with the peace villages, and this connection can become very important.
We also met the shaman Taita Orleando Gaita, who had received the alternative Nobel Prize and represents a Colombian Indian nation. He and his group maintain sacred places throughout the country by protecting them, and also through rituals. He is an impressive man, full of humor and spirit. He invited our group the prepare for the pilgrimage with a intensive ritual lasting an entire night. Twelve people are presently taking part in it.
As soon as they come back we will head towards Apartado via Medellin by bus.We will continue this diary as soon as we can.Visit with Gloria Cuartas
Thursday 25th September 2008
by Sabine Lichtenfels
We start early in the morning - Meike, Anna Conte, Benjamin von Mendelssohn, Sami Awad, Airilio(our guide), a driver, and Sergio who drives the other car. He is a professor at the university for environmental research. We stop in a ministry in Usme to ask for permission to visit the biggest area of lagoons in the world, called Paramo. This is a name for places which have a very special botanical variety that only exists here.Two young women who work for the ministry join us. Anna Marie is a very special person that we get to know. She is about twenty-five years old and deeply connected to nature. We pass excavations which are 25,000 years old and an equally old cemetery which was discovered just this year.Later Anne Marie explains the meaning of the name "Usme." It is "nest of love." In former times two lovers met here, a Spanish man and an indigenous woman. The other people were against this pairing, and they had to escape to the mountains to live their love. Anne Marie recalls many beautiful indigenous tales of this kind.It is a beautiful mountain range, and we drive for two hours until we stop at the first lagoon which is 3700 meters high. It is a sparse area with dark rocks and special mountain plants. What touches the soul is something different and beyond words. Quickly we climb up the mountain; a light earth receives us and gives us the feeling that we are walking on sacred ground. Immediately I feel connected to my dream. It is like flying. In our silent prayer we get the feeling that we are welcomed by many beings. Two eagles fly above us.Anne Marie speaks words of welcome, so simple that they go immediately into the cells. They could be our words. Where do these people get the deep empathy with the world and with nature, and with the future of the earth? I am not used to meeting these kind of people outside of community. Anne Marie has developed a school where children and parents and teachers come together and learn together. She spoke in a very committed way about her country and her love for it.We stop again and again to connect with the land. I feel a living spirit everywhere. Two eagles fly and the sky is light. Anne Marie is very touched and says this is a special welcome. Eagles are protective spirits, "Muiscas," and the sky becomes clear only when people are welcome, because they come with great respect and a special mission.Time moves fast. It is an unusual delegation. I have never before come together with officials from Ministries and professors in such an intimate prayer and meditation. I take this place into my heart deeply. It is as if we were called.We stagger back home. The richness of the impressions and the change of the climate is a lot for the organism. Ten minutes of deep siesta, and then we continue to an official date with Gloria Cuartas who receives an important award for human rights from France. First I didn't like the idea of going to an official reception - big tables, everyone sitting around a bit helpless, strange music.Orlando is sitting at our table, and we are very surprised that he is here. I ask him if it is really right to join his ritual the following night if we have to continue afterwards to the pilgrimage. He just says that it is the best way to prepare:"If there are unconscious fears in you, they will reveal themselves and you can overcome them. In addition, you might foresee a lot. It will purify body and soul and prepare you. Some say you are weak when you are sensitive, but this is wrong. This is the actual strength."The evening with Gloria becomes much more moving than expected. A journalist who had lived with her for a short time in prison reads a moving text about her life and commitment. Revolutionary songs are sung, and Gloria speaks with such a big heart about her life and her work that we are really touched. The people are much less formal than they would be in a German event. The hearts also speak.Gloria also mentions Tamera in her talk and she says in deep appreciation to me how much power and hope she has gained through our work and how many wounds she could heal. I am deeply touched and firmly embrace her afterwards.We were introduced to many people in the peace movement; for example, Pietat Cordoba, who is another carrier of hope like Gloria. She is very threatened in the moment. Immediately a feeling of love flows. She thanks us very much for how much we take care of Gloria.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Tamera, Portugal : Holzer Permaculture, Practical Seminar Series

Warm invitation !

First Seminar: October 5-12, 2008

Ecology is the central theme in a model for a global Peace Research Village (PRV) especially at a time when destruction of the landscape, hunger and desertization are rampant. In close cooperation with the permaculture expert, Sepp Holzer, we want to find answers to these issues. Therefore in Tamera (134 ha) a permaculture and water landscape has been developed to offer answers to the following social and ecological questions:How does a non-violent and ecologically compatible village model look for the human being to live on planet earth?How can one heal the water situation so that there is enough water for everyone and the fertility of the soil can be improved?How do human beings, animals and plants co-exist in cooperation and harmony?How does one develop a regionally self-sufficient food supply?In October of this year a continuous series of seminars for Holzer permaculture begins. It will be practical learning based on current projects. Interested and experienced people are warmly welcomed to co-create and mutually brain-storm.First seminar:“Development of retention space, mixed seeds, and the symbiosis of interaction”October 5 - 12, 2008Presentation: Sepp Holzer and the Tamera Ecology TeamDuring the seminar the following core issues will concern us:How does one build water retention spaces?How does one build high beds and terraces which form the basis of the Holzer permaculture?How can one develop and continually increase the fertility of the soil and the entire biotope?How does one best use the symbiosis of interaction between the various mixed cultures of fruit, vegetable and helper plants?Which type of green fertilizers and mixed seeds are beneficial to this process?Second seminar:“Water Landscape and Aqua Culture”January 28 – February 3, 2009Presentation: Sepp Holzer and the Tamera Ecology Team General information:- Content is liable to change due to weather conditions. - The third seminar will take place from April 13-19, 2009. Content not yet determined.- The seminars can also be attended individually.- The cost of each seminar in the series, including board (vegan) and lodging (in visitors’ huts with participant’s own sleeping bag), is EUR 850.—; additional charge for single and double rooms at the Guesthouse.- Enrolment: e-mail office@tamera.org, Tel. +351 283 635 306
event url : http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=479

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Support the Peacevillage San Jose de Apartado

Support the Peacevillage San Jose de Apartado
About this event: Caminata por la Vida - Grace Pilgrimage 2008 Related to country: Colombia About the book: "Grace. Pilgrimage for a Future without War"

Share our support for th Peacevillage San Jose de Apartado !Help to spread the information !Thank you !Approximately 500 people will go on a Peace Pilgrimage from October 1st to October 5th, 2008.Peace workers from Israel, Palestine and many more countries - including representatives of the “new South American spirit of resurrection” from Mexico, Ecuador and other countries - will be led by Sabine Lichtenfels and Padre Javier Giraldo, together with experienced regional guides. The idea for this pilgrimage grew out of the long standing cooperation between the Peace Research Centre Tamera, Portugal, and the Peace Village San José de Apartadó. Together with the inhabitants of other Colombian Peace Villages, they will show with this peace action their commitment to build up a global peace force which no longer stops at national borders.The pilgrimage will pass through villages and hamlets surrounding San José, where, due to their remoteness, people live near military posts, police headquarters and other significant locations of the rebellion, totally unprotected between the fronts of the civil war. The goal of the pilgrimage is to become familiar with the threat to which Colombian peasants are exposed, to develop peace strategies, and to strengthen the Ring of Power – a confraternity for a future without war!

Grace Pilgrimage 2008 : http://www.grace-pilgrimage.com/
every donation has an effect : http://de.betterplace.org/projects/458

Peter Koll

Tamera Team

join the cause : http://apps.facebook.com/causes/109000?m=de095 (Friends od San Jose de Apartado)
my profile : http://www.wiserearth.org/user/PeterKoll
my profile : http://profiles.takingitglobal.org/Tamera
my profile : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1255393309