Monday, September 1, 2008

Tamera, Portugal : Holzer Permaculture, Practical Seminar Series

Warm invitation !

First Seminar: October 5-12, 2008

Ecology is the central theme in a model for a global Peace Research Village (PRV) especially at a time when destruction of the landscape, hunger and desertization are rampant. In close cooperation with the permaculture expert, Sepp Holzer, we want to find answers to these issues. Therefore in Tamera (134 ha) a permaculture and water landscape has been developed to offer answers to the following social and ecological questions:How does a non-violent and ecologically compatible village model look for the human being to live on planet earth?How can one heal the water situation so that there is enough water for everyone and the fertility of the soil can be improved?How do human beings, animals and plants co-exist in cooperation and harmony?How does one develop a regionally self-sufficient food supply?In October of this year a continuous series of seminars for Holzer permaculture begins. It will be practical learning based on current projects. Interested and experienced people are warmly welcomed to co-create and mutually brain-storm.First seminar:“Development of retention space, mixed seeds, and the symbiosis of interaction”October 5 - 12, 2008Presentation: Sepp Holzer and the Tamera Ecology TeamDuring the seminar the following core issues will concern us:How does one build water retention spaces?How does one build high beds and terraces which form the basis of the Holzer permaculture?How can one develop and continually increase the fertility of the soil and the entire biotope?How does one best use the symbiosis of interaction between the various mixed cultures of fruit, vegetable and helper plants?Which type of green fertilizers and mixed seeds are beneficial to this process?Second seminar:“Water Landscape and Aqua Culture”January 28 – February 3, 2009Presentation: Sepp Holzer and the Tamera Ecology Team General information:- Content is liable to change due to weather conditions. - The third seminar will take place from April 13-19, 2009. Content not yet determined.- The seminars can also be attended individually.- The cost of each seminar in the series, including board (vegan) and lodging (in visitors’ huts with participant’s own sleeping bag), is EUR 850.—; additional charge for single and double rooms at the Guesthouse.- Enrolment: e-mail, Tel. +351 283 635 306
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